Monday, April 14, 2008

Whats Up World

hey whats up world. well so far since my last post i have a bed sore and it is getting bigger and bigger. so i haven't really been out of bed. But My brother Jon and is wife Lou Ann and the kids came to visit over the weekend. it was alot of fun. we played Wii. and we also played Scrabble. it was alot of fun. well bloggers thats it for now. Talk to you later.

your friend the slickman


maines said...

Sweet. A bed sore. Actually, that sucks. Hope you feel better soon. I know you like big butts, now stay off yours!!! It was fun to hang out last night. Just like old times. You, on the computer; me, sleeping on your bed. It's like I never left. :-)

Stephanie said...

I'm wondering when I'm going to get the run down of the latest Law and Order episode! or possibly Hanah Montana? Since you're in bed with the decub, I'm sure you aren't missing any episodes.

Dro said...

Wat up slick dog? Sweet blog! Welcome to the world of "wasted time." :) You start reading someone's blog, click on another and another and before you know it, the day has come and gone. Glad to know that the blogosphere has captured another in the Hendrickson family.

Cort said...

Slicker. I'm digging your blog. The thing I appreciate the most is that you always sign off and identify yourself at the end of each posting.

your friend the cortman.